A Ferndown music teacher has won a national award that celebrates innovation in schools.

Scott Welcomme has won the 'Dynamism' award at the annual Music Mark conference at the Ageas Bowl, Southampton. 

It celebrates the most innovative work happening across the UK music education sector and highlights projects with new thinking. 

Scott, who teaches at Ferndown Middle School, said: "It's lovely to be recognised but very humbling. All educators help transform children's lives daily and I'm no different from that. 

"In a time when music and the arts across the UK are severely undervalued and severely underfunded, it's vital we celebrate projects like this that are life-changing."

Shortlisted along with Surrey and Warwickshire Music Hubs, Scott won the award as part of the school. 

Nominated by Pete Whitmarsh, music area leader for east Dorset, Scott's nomination was for music projects with small groups of vulnerable pupils from Ferndown Middle School over the last two years.

He said: "The project was a way to transform shy, nervous, anxious individuals and give them a positive outlook. 

"We're taking children that persistently walked out of classes or not turning up to school and turning that persistent absenteeism around and providing a positive light and a want to come to school."

Scott teaches all 605 students at the school and provides a wide range of activities. This includes a music theatre group, Samba band, ukulele club, and more. 

He said: "To be nominated was amazing but the wow factor was that we were the only school in the category. The other two are music hubs which represent all the schools within a county."

Scott hopes to continue to provide opportunities to his students and is taking 45 students to sing at the O2 Arena in London at the end of January 2024. 

He said: "I've got children who would never in a million years dream of getting on a coach and going to London let alone perform at the O2 arena.

"From there, I'll be saying, right, what's next? What else can we do?"