WHAT have you done to my beautiful Bournemouth?

I used to spend many summers in Bournemouth with my grandmother in Branksome. Idyllic days walking through the woods to the the Chines. I even went to school in Branksome for a while.

My grandfather took me to the gardens to listen to the military bands and yes I sailed my boat in the streams.

Later like my uncle before me I joined the Royal Navy, but when in England I often returned to Bournemouth, one of my aunts worked in a hotel there.

Send us a letter for publication, email letters@bournemouthecho.co.uk 

Like many of the Bournemouth ex-colonial residents, after my travels abroad I bought a property in Bournemouth and moved my family there. My children are still there running their own business in health and beauty and catering.

I shall be making what will perhaps be my last visit in February 2024 to visit my children and to spend some time walking along the beach and chines.

To read the headline ‘Armed police officers and dogs to patrol crowded festive areas’ was so sad for me to see how the security of the country has declined.

I am from a generation that left there windows and doors open. So sad the people of today cannot enjoy that.

