TWO women living in the same street claim they have been given gold teeth as "gifts from God" after a home prayer meeting.

Carol Bull, 61, and her neighbour Christine Price, 64, say they were stunned to discover their shiny new molars following a discussion on hugely controversial American evangelist Todd Bentley.

Mr Bentley maintains that the Holy Spirit turns up at his meetings and miracles happen on a scale that many are calling a "revival".

Personal assistant Carol said the group had wanted to know if Todd's claims about the Holy Spirit were genuine.

"I prayed for a clear sign, never dreaming that this would happen. After the group went home I felt compelled to look in my mouth and there was this gold tooth. You could have knocked me down with a feather," she said.

"I called my husband Terry and we were both amazed.

"Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. This confirmed that God answers prayer and I feel so blessed that he has given me this gift.

"I have not spoken to many people about this. When I have, some have not known what to say but others have been encouraged by it."

Carol, who attends the United Reformed Church in Canford Heath, Poole, confided in her friend and neighbour Christine Price, a retired nurse, the next day.

"When she showed me her gold tooth it took my breath away," said Christine who lives two doors away.

"A few days later I was thinking about Carol and looked in the mirror. To my amazement I found a gold tooth as well.

"I visited my dentist who confirmed that the tooth had not been there during my last check-up. He wanted to know who had put it there and I told him it was God.

"He is now writing a letter of confirmation to my church. I've shared this with a few people who know me well. Some are sceptical but I truly believe this is a gift from God."