A SERIES of bicycle and e-bike thefts have been reported in Poole.

The Poole Neighbourhood Policing Team say they have mainly taken place in Ashley Road and the Upper Parkstone area.

Officers have shared security advice for those leaving their bikes unattended.

They posted on social media: “Avoid leaving your bike in isolated or dimly lit places, always leave your bike where a potential thief will have to perform in public.

“Do not lock your bike to an open-ended structure such as a signpost – thieves just lift the bike over the top of it.

“Avoid locking your bike against a gate or wall, thieves will often use leverage against the wall or gate to break the bike lock.

“Electric bikes are very expensive, so try not to leave them in the same place on a regular basis as they may be noticed and stolen to order by a determined thief. You should also consider removing the battery if you can.

“Cycle lockers are a good option if storing your e-bike in a public place.”

Officers also recommend that people register their bikes on the bike register to increase their chances of retrieving it if stolen.

The post concluded: “If your cycle is stolen at home or in the street always report it as it might have been recovered.

"It will also give us a clearer picture of cycle thieves and their attack methods. It will help in targeting offenders in hot-spot areas.

"If a crime is in progress such as a bike theft, call 999 immediately, providing as much detail of the offender(s) and direction of travel as possible."