THE lack of any automated defibrillators (AEDs) at Poole Park for the past number of years is worrying.

It is recommended that councils install AEDs in public spaces used a large number of people, especially the elderly.

Poole Park has a large membership of retired citizens using the bowling club and tennis courts on a daily basis.

The lack of AEDs here is very concerning as a sudden cardiac arrest could happen at anytime, where a life could be saved with the timely use of an AED. There are a number of AEDs available from the charity British Heart Foundation.

The council seems to be in no hurry to purchase a few for Poole Park (for its size it would need at least three).

Does someone need to die before anything is done about this issue, I wonder.

Further guidelines are available on the Resuscitation Council and British Heart Foundation websites.

Dr Rajeshwar Rao

Retired consultant paediatrician

Caton Close,
