REVISED plans to redevelop a section of the high street have been submitted to the council.

Penrose Homes Ltd has submitted a new planning application for new retail units and homes at 359-379 Lymington Road in Highcliffe.

The site currently comprises of four commercial units where all of the original shop fronts have been removed - with the exception of number 375.

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In 2019, the developer had planning permission granted for the demolition of the building at 359, and the conversion and extension of the remaining shop frontage to provide two retail units and five flats, plus two homes at the rear land.

The new application features a revised scheme which is said to “repeat the traditional design of the frontage building to be converted, whilst providing an additional storey.”

Bournemouth Echo: 359-379 Lymington Road in Highcliffe359-379 Lymington Road in Highcliffe (Image: Google Maps)

Penrose Homes’ plans now feature eight apartments, and four houses at the rear.

The commercial uses would be retained at the ground floor of the block, with the apartments located on the upper floors.

However, car parking provisions have been removed from the new scheme, and there will be 16 parking spaces instead.

Pedestrian access to the commercial units will remain from Lymington Road, while pedestrian access to the residential units would be provided via a shared surface undercroft accessed from Lymington Road.

Penrose Homes Ltd say the development will “improve the vibrancy and vitality of Highcliffe local centre, whilst retaining a retail offer within the primary shopping frontage”.

Bournemouth Echo: CGI of the four homes proposed at the rear of the siteCGI of the four homes proposed at the rear of the site (Image: ARC Architecture)

A Design and Access Statement, prepared by Chapman Lily Planning on behalf of the applicants, proposes further benefits of the scheme.

It describes the proposal as a “sustainable form of development, contributing to the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of Highcliffe and the wider District”.

It also notes it would “make more efficient use of urban land” and “contribute to the council’s five-year housing land supply”, and describes the design as “appropriate” and “carefully conceived to avoid harm to neighbour amenity”.

A decision is yet to be made on the application and it will remain open for public consultation until December 29.