I AM not a fan of I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here but unfortunately it’s impossible to open a newspaper or watch the news on TV without the latest antics of the idiots who subject themselves to mental and physical torture at the hands of the equally idiotic pair who present this so-called ‘reality’ rubbish.

One of those taking part in the current (dare we hope it will be the last?) series is an ‘influencer’ - horrible word - who, refuses to speak with her camp mate, Nigel Farage, branding him a racist.

When asked by other campers on what she based that conclusion, the 26-year-old replied: ‘I read it on the internet’.


And SHE has getting on for a million followers on YouTube? God help us!

Radio and TV presenter, writer James Whale hit the nail on the head when he writes “Technology, smart phones and social media, have created a generation of close-minded idiots who don’t understand how to think objectively.”

It does not bode well for the future and will make it all the more likely and a lot easier for AI to replace us altogether! TikTok, TikTok, TikTok …. the countdown has already begun!

Robert Readman

Norwich Avenue West,
