A DISCUSSION is being held ahead of COP28 to explore how Dorset can contribute to climate action.

Dr Neil Smith and Mark Chivers of Zero Carbon Dorset (ZCD) will host an online event in December to discuss how the region can support goals put forward by the United Nations.

The event follows the largely attended Dorset COP (Conference of Parties) which took place in Dorchester in September.

Dorset COP saw more than 250 people and 100 businesses and organisations come together with the aim of tackling the climate and ecological crises on a local level.

Attendees made their own pledges, and these unique promises of action against climate change were made public on the Dorset COP website.

Giles Watts, a coordinator with Dorset Climate Action Network and one of the organisations behind Dorset COP, said: “The main aim of the Dorset COP was to inspire change in our community and encourage local action, and it was great to see so many people making their own pledges to act for our county.

“These pledges are a key part of the COP that we hope will have a far-reaching impact and long-lasting value.

"We will be following up on these pledges throughout the year and encouraging others to make their own pledge if not done so already.

"Let’s make this year count for our county.”

Dr Neil Smith and Mark Chivers now plan to use the upcoming COP28 to encourage further discussion around what can be done at a county level in Dorset.

Their online COP discussion will be hosted at 7.30pm on December 7.

Mark said: “The Dorset COP event was just the beginning, now is when the real hard work comes into play, and we must all hold ourselves accountable to the commitment we made in Dorchester to be the change we wish to see in our county.

"We’re looking forward to hosting this online discussion and hearing what the community has to say, we’re hoping it will help to continue to fuel the fire ignited by the county COP.”

To sign up for the online discussion, visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82685695865?pwd=eHYvdjlGZVEwdGdIQW4xNElEVi83dz09