MEMBERS of the public have requested the town council reviews its decision over a housing scheme in Christchurch.

Christchurch Town Council previously decided it would not object to the plans for 177 apartments at the former gas works site off Bridge Street.

The planning application had been submitted by Churchill Retirement Living at the beginning of October.

While the town council voted to raise no objection to the scheme, it did recommend that a construction mobilisation plan was put in place during development to make sure that no harm would be made to the surrounding area.

At the Christchurch Town Council planning and regulatory committee meeting on November 14, two members of the public requested the committee review its decision.

The chairman, Councillor David Jones, explained that the committee 'had to conform' to the local planning authority’s deadline and that the meeting was 'quorate'.

It was also explained that all planning applications were 'treated equally by taking into consideration all the information available at the time of the meeting'.

Cllr Jones added that although the committee raised some concerns on the development, it was 'not felt that there were strong enough grounds to raise objection to the proposal'.