A SPECIALIST college for people with autism has made ‘reasonable progress’ in three out of four areas after Ofsted inspectors said it ‘requires improvement’.

Cambian Wing College, on Richmond Park Road in Bournemouth, provides full-time study for young people aged 16 to 25, with a primary diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.

After an inspection in June 2022, the college was told to improve in four out of five areas, with particular concern for its curriculum and classroom practices.

The initial report found that a lack of curriculum planning resulted in ‘too many’ students making slow progress and remaining at the college ‘far longer’ than expected.

However, a report released last week following a monitoring visit on October 4 this year, found that the college had improved in three out of four areas.

Staff were praised for their work on improving teaching methods, such as slowing down lessons so that students who are struggling have enough time to process the content and do not become anxious.

Ofsted previously criticised teachers who were well qualified in their subject areas but not ‘sufficiently experienced or trained’ in working with young people with complex needs.

In their recent visit, inspectors found that leaders within the college now ensure that teachers receive helpful training from the specialist therapy team.

READ MORE: Teachers late to class among concerns at college for autistic young people

Students also benefit from a greater range of work experience opportunities, including a partnership between the college and a local infant school.

However, insufficient progress was made to improve the curriculum and that a few teachers do not explain the content of subjects clearly enough.

“They use language and questions that are too complex and, as a result, students do not understand what is expected of them and do not develop new knowledge at the expected pace.”

The report also said: “They allow students to wear headphones in lessons and, as a result, they are not attentive, and do not participate sufficiently.”

A spokesperson for Cambian Wing College said: “Following our students A level success with an overall pass rate A*-C of 79%, we are very pleased the inspectors recognised the progress in three of the four focused areas.

“The college is taking great strides forward, sourcing more meaningful and exciting work experience opportunities, preparing students well for all that adulthood brings as well as utilising expert support from our therapy team on a daily basis.

“We know that there is still work to be done and we have a clear plan to ensure each student can achieve their personal best.”

At the time of the last full Ofsted inspection in June 2022, there were 41 students at the college.