PLANS to bring an outdoor sauna to a beach in Christchurch have re-surfaced – but at the expense of six beach huts.

A new planning application has been submitted to build a ‘Saltwater Sauna’ on the promenade at Avon Beach.

If approved, six beach huts close to the Noisy Lobster restaurant would be torn down to make space.

Applicants Saltwater Sauna Ltd already operate a successful beach-sauna at Sandbanks but remain keen to open a new facility in the Christchurch area.

Bournemouth Echo: Six beach huts are set to be demolished under the scheme Six beach huts are set to be demolished under the scheme (Image: Saltwater Sauna Ltd)

Earlier this year, the firm submitted a planning application to move the Sandbanks Sauna to a section of Avon Beach for a ‘temporary period’.

Meanwhile, Saltwater Sauna Ltd would develop plans for a permanent sauna at the Christchurch location, and install a brand new one at Sandbanks.

However, Christchurch Town Council objected to the plans, warning that the proposal would have a “detrimental effect” on the amenity of neighbours.

The planning application was withdrawn by the owners just weeks later.

Bournemouth Echo: Visualisation of the saunaVisualisation of the sauna (Image: Saltwater Sauna Ltd)

Now, it appears that Saltwater Sauna Ltd has turned its focus entirely to building something more permanent at Avon Beach.

A design and access statement submitted as part of the new planning application describes the sauna as a “small-scale structure” with a floor area of approximately 35m2.

It would comprise of two separate saunas, each accommodating up to eight people, and would also have a beach shower outside which would available for public use.

The sauna building would be between the existing beach huts, within the space made by the six demolished huts.

Bournemouth Echo: Visualisation of the sauna Visualisation of the sauna (Image: Saltwater Sauna Ltd)

The applicant writes: “The proposed layout has been designed to make the best use of the site in a highly desirable and unique location, providing a high-quality visitor experience for tourists and residents alike.

“Overall, it is considered that the proposed layout of the development will cause no material harm to neighbouring occupiers and accords with the local plan, improving the tourism offer on the site and offering economic benefits.”

The applicant also notes that the beach huts that would be demolished are currently vacant.

And, that the site is "suitable for redevelopment for other uses which support the tourist economy and complement the beach offering for local residents and visitors".

A decision is yet to be made on the planning application.