A CONVENIENCE store that lost its premises licence after it sold tobacco linked to organised crime could be subject to another licensing review.

Dorset Police has requested a review of the existing premises licence at Bargain Convenience Store in Wimborne Road, Winton.

The application to the licensing authority has been made under the Prevention of Crime and Disorder, Public Safety and Protection of Children from Harm licensing objectives.

A public consultation is currently taking place in relation to the application.

Residents can make representations to BCP Council’s licensing team, with a closing date of December 11.

Last year, officers from Dorset Police, Trading Standards and HMRC conducted an intelligence-led operation in Bournemouth and Poole, visiting several premises where they had received prior intelligence that smuggled alcohol and/or tobacco were being offered for sale.

In July 2022, they attended Bargain Convenience Store as part of the operation and seized 2,800 cigarettes and 1kg of hand-rolling tobacco.

These products were confirmed as being smuggled and had not been subject to UK duty.

The value of the duty that had not been paid on the seized products was estimated at £1,634.

Police then applied to the council to review the premises licence in place at the time.

At a hearing conducted by BCP Council’s Licensing Sub-Committee, it was said that ‘eastern European’ men owed money to the shop’s owner, who accepted the smuggled tobacco as a part payment of their debt.

A Dorset Police licensing officer said their concern was how an operator “with so many years of experience has engaged with organised crime of this nature” and recommended its licence be revoked.

Following the hearing, the store was told it could no longer be able to legally sell alcohol or tobacco products.

However, Bargain Convenience Store later appealed the decision and the licence remained subject to extra conditions.

The Daily Echo contacted Dorset Police for details on their application to review the premises licence again. 

The county force confirmed it would be making a formal submission to the licensing authority but said it would not be appropriate to comment any further at this time.

The Echo contacted the shop for comment but had not received a response at the time of publication.