Pointed hats, broomsticks and black cats: witches have forever been a tale from the depths of torch light stories. Or have they? As well as a title that has been used to callously persecute knowledgable women for decades, Witch is a name given to someone with the wonderful practice in magick. Magick not being a spelling mistake, but the term used when describing it as a practice rather than a fantasy.


Mrs C Temple is a witch, eco-friendly small business owner and an animal lover. She started her craft when she grew interested in the dead and the living at a young age when her mother would grow herbs & veg while her father and brother would catch fish. “I have always believed in spirit so from there on it’s just grown”. 


Many witches can incorporate religion into their craft, for example leaving offerings for the greek gods, but Mrs Temple is one of the many witches who is simply spiritual. Despite this, she still celebrates many pagan holidays that incorporate a practice of magick, including: Yule (22nd of December- coinciding with the winter solstice), Oastra (21stMarch- the Spring Equinox), and Samhain (31st of October) or indeed Halloween. In fact, many of these holidays are just the originals of what Christian’s and others now celebrate, but we’re changed to Christian holidays when the religion was attempting to become popularised. In the spooky time of Samhain it is said that that is when the veil between the dead and the living is at its thinnest so it is the best time to call upon ancestors for guidance or just for comfort. Now clearly there will always be that constant dubious voice that’s asking yourself ‘are they really listening?’ but the answer is does it matter? There will always be a chance that they are listening, and that is an incredible thought: being able to continue to converse with your dearest loved ones even when they’re ‘gone’. However, if it turns out that this is not the case you still allow yourself closure and a reason to talk to them, which for some people is incredibly important. During Samhain you can also call upon fairy folk or angles depending on your beliefs. It really is a time for everyone, even if you don’t practice any form of religion, witchcraft or spirituality.


So why do witches practice when they risk ignorance and ridicule in the process? Well that is different for everyone. For Mrs Temple it keeps her connected to her environment and brings a level of peace, both things proven to have a ‘magical’ effect on wellbeing regardless of how they are achieved. She said “I may not be able to change the world but I feel in touch with my environment and I’m doing my bit. Whether it’s recycling, saving water or a bee that needs sugar”.


 So magick comes in many forms, spells and simplicity, but the craft will never be exclusive to those with green skin.