A MAN has avoided prison after being convicted of a haul of theft and driving offences.

James William Phillips, 36, was found with a ‘pair of snips’ after one of the thefts in Bournemouth.

The earliest incident occurred on March 21, 2022, when Phillips was caught speeding on the A338 Wessex Way.

He was also found to be disqualified from driving at the time, and driving without the necessary insurance. He pleaded guilty to the charges.

Phillips was then charged with stealing a bike in Bournemouth on April 30, 2022. He was found guilty after giving a not guilty plea.

The defendant was charged with stealing another bike in Bournemouth on May 19, 2022, and on the same day, was found in the town in possession with a ‘pair of snips’, considered to be ‘an article for use in the course of, or in connection with, theft’.

He pleaded not guilty to the charges, but was found guilty.

Philipps then stole a car in Barrack Road in Christchurch on September 24, 2022.

On the same day, he failed to provide a specimen of blood for a laboratory test required under the Road Traffic Act 1988 for an investigation, and was caught driving without the necessary insurance.

Again, he pled not guilty to the charges but was found to be guilty.

An additional charge occurred when on November 25, 2022, Phillips failed to surrender to custody at Poole Magistrates Court having been released on bail in criminal proceedings on September 26. He pled guilty to this offence.

The defendant, of no fixed address, appeared at Poole Magistrates Court on October 20 to face the haul of charges.

He was given a 16-week jail sentence suspended for 12 months, and was disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for 12 months from May 18.