A SEX shop in Bournemouth has applied to have its licence renewed for another year.

In a submission to BCP Council, Simply Pleasure on Holdenhurst Road has applied to ‘renew the sex establishment licence for a further 12-month period’.

The premises has operated as a sex shop since 2002, and the application will be considered by the BCP Council licencing sub-committee.

It faced an objection to renewing its licence in November 2022.

Owner Timothy Hemming responded directly to the objector, who had said the business ‘has no regard for safeguarding’.

He said he takes his ‘responsibility seriously’ as a licensee, and that he had never had a licence refused or revoked.

The council oversees windows and displays as defined by the licence.

The shop is a part of a retail chain owned by sex toys distribution company, ABS Holdings, which is the largest sex toy distributor in the UK.

The end of the consultation period for the licence renewal is November 7.