ON boarding a Morebus as she had to be at Royal Bournemouth Hospital too early to use her bus pass, my friend decided to pay the £2 bus fare from the Broadway to the hospital.

The driver said the fare would be £3 – my friend reminded him calmly and politely that all journeys are now advertised at £2.

The driver’s reply was that as this bus changes its number partly along the route that charge is more than the usual £2 – as the change in the bus number constitutes a separate journey.

Asking whether she was required to alight at the junction of change and getting back on again she was told no, she can stay on the bus but it costs more when the bus changes its number on route. No doubt to cover the cost of the driver changing the number on the bus!

Not sure whether the driver had decided to make up his own rules and regulations or indeed, if there was a modern day program of Candid Camera that she hadn`t been aware of or even an April’s Fools joke by a driver with a warped sense of humour, she paid up.

When she got home she rang the Morebus company to try to gain some sense of the situation and it was confirmed by the manager she spoke to that if you are on a bus that changes it s number on route the driver can charge you an extra amount of money! Perhaps an explanation could be forthcoming from More buses so that all others will be aware of the situation?

Because I don`t understand it.


Princess Road, Poole