Videos capturing teenage boys running towards garden gates and kicking them with force have caused alarm within a community. 

Videos have been circulating on social media showing youths targeting properties in Poundbury, leaving some residents frightened by the anti-social behaviour.

The incidents have been labelled ‘unacceptable by Dorchester police officers who said: "Unfortunately we note historically that at this time of year as the evenings get darker, we often get an increase in this behaviour."

However, the team has stated that ‘this type of behaviour will not be tolerated.’

It is the latest in the spate of crime and disorder to affect the area.

A Poundbury resident said: “On the odd occasion over the past two weeks, maybe three or four times, a couple of lads have been seen by my family knocking on doors and running off behind nearby cars to hide.

“The last time particularly was the worse as it felt like someone kicked the door twice with two loud thuds. We immediately went out to investigate but the cowards were gone.”

Another resident explained that they were in bed when they heard a loud bang outside their house but didn’t think anything of it.

The resident said: “I was a bit confused when I heard it and I thought, what if they do come back and break the gate?”

They explained that the group of boys came back to the area around an hour later but didn’t appear to kick any more gates.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: “On Wednesday, October 11, officers responded to reports from members of the public of anti-social behaviour in Poundbury, Dorchester.

“These incidents were raised after videos of the offences circulated on social media on Sunday, October 8.

“The videos show two teenage boys running towards garden gates and kicking them. Enquiries into the matter are ongoing.”

Residents also expressed concerns about the expansion of Poundbury and how they have noticed an increase in crime in the area.

One person said: “The expansion of Poundbury has made me more wary as lots more 'weird things' have been going on lately. I’m not surprised to hear about this happening.”