A MERCEDES came “hurtling down” a residential Bournemouth road, hitting a parking meter before “ploughing” through the hedge of a front garden. 

The driver of the white CLA reportedly fled the scene in Manor Road along with a passenger moments before the police arrived who had been following behind. 

A resident heard the car crash through the hedge at around 10.30pm on Saturday, September 30, and opened her curtains to see the damaged car right in front of her window. 

“I heard it crash, opened my curtains and saw the car had ploughed through the hedge,” she said.

“It was quite a shock.

Bournemouth Echo:

“It had come hurtling down the road, it had gone between two parked cars and somehow didn’t hit them but did hit a parking meter and went straight through the bushes. 

“I think there were two people in it, one had jumped out and legged it from the passenger side and the driver sort of stumbled out and headed in the other direction. 

“The police were there within seconds, though, before I even had a chance to dial 999 so they must’ve been following it, but I don’t think it was a chase. 

“Two police cars then went on blue lights to go and find the people. 

A spokeswoman for Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service said a crew from Springbourne were sent at around 10.40pm and made sure the car was safe before recovery was made. 

Dorset Police has been approached for more details.