I HAVE just been to Benidorm for a week which is harshly considered to be the Blackpool of Spain.

Drawing comparisons to Bournemouth which is considered Britain’s ‘premier resort’ is startling.

To begin with the beach in Benidorm is as spotless at 8pm as it is at 8am as people effortlessly dispose of their litter and leave only footprints behind. Bournemouth beach looks like a depressing landfill site.

Early on my morning run through town the Spanish were cleaning windows, hosing the pavements, painting railings, watering the flowers and there was a sense of pride that you simply do not get anymore in most of Britain.

Have you ever been running down Old Christchurch road in the morning?

Good luck trying not to slip on greasy kebab wrappers and beer cans.

Britain can lazily and predictably call its seaside resorts ‘great’ but the reality is otherwise.

Until the UK smartens up then I am not surprised so many Brit’s flock to mainland Europe for their holidays and spend their money there.

Oh, and I did not even mention the weather.


Stourcliffe Avenue, Southbourne