A dad was labelled a ‘paedophile’ and called ‘Hitler’ for protesting against drivers mounting pavements outside a Southampton primary school.

Aussie-born John Leaver has been standing outside Hollybrook Junior School to make a stand against "lazy" parents parking badly or mounting pavements to pass each other.

The 49-year-old can often be seen on Seagarth Lane holding signs reading 'Is your convenience worth more than children's safety'.

John, whose two children, seven and ten, are pupils at the school said he has been threatened and pushed off the road by angry drivers.

Bournemouth Echo: Seagarth Lane, Southampton

Speaking to the Echo, he said: “They are leaving their cars parked on no-stopping zones, which causes long queues and cars driving over pavements.

“They then drive on the pavement when there's queues of traffic

“If a child gets hurt because of this it will be a disaster.

“On one occasion I put masking tape on a badly parked car, which then made the driver angry."

Exchanges between drivers and John have at times got heated with John being at the receiving end of verbal and physical abuse.

He said: "There were even some pretty horrible threats that I was given by parents.

"I was called a paedophile; I was accused of being Hitler for being here with this sign. It's been pretty hostile."

On a few occasions, police were called but did not attend, John said.

Councillor Sarah Wood who represents the Bassett ward said: “We are very aware of the problem of traffic danger on Seagarth Road near Hollybrook School with cars parking and manoeuvring at the school entrance and mounting the pavement to pass each other.

“I live nearby and all three of my children went to Hollybrook Infants and Hollybrook Junior School so I saw the problem at first-hand.”

She added: “I met with the headteacher and a member of the school governors before the summer holidays to discuss possible solutions.”

She said school policy is that if children cannot walk to school parents should park at the Sports Centre and walk in from there.

According to the councillor, the headteacher has tried organising walking buses from the Sports Centre but couldn’t release staff, as they needed to be at school to meet children, and couldn’t get enough volunteers.

“We are looking into several ways to improve matters,” she said.

The Echo approached Hollybrook Junior School for comment but received no response.