BOURNEMOUTH Town Centre BID is now paying for all hanging baskets and floral pedestals in the town centre following the withdrawal of funding by BCP Council.

This represents “a significant investment” in the appearance and environment of the town centre, said the BID’s Chairman, Martin Davies.

There are 102 hanging baskets in Westover Road, Old Christchurch Road, Poole Hill, the Triangle, and the Square, with 22 pedestals in Westover Road, Richmond Hill, Post Office Road, and Old Christchurch Road.

Bournemouth Echo:

Mr Davies added: “BCP Council have told us they are unable to fund the baskets and pedestals, so we have decided to step and make sure we keep them.

“These baskets and pedestals make such a difference to our area, and we know from our levy payer and visitor surveys just how much of a priority this is.”

Mr Davies said he did not know what the council’s position will be for next year.

He also pointed out the BID already funds a five day a week litter picking service over and above what the council provides, and a rapid reaction anti-graffiti team to clean up levy payers’ property.