Many people have lived around Bournemouth and Poole most of their lives, but would you move to either of them if you didn't live there already?

A Reddit post titled "If you didn't already live there, would you move to Bournemouth/Poole?" has brought that scenario up and prompted almost 100 comments in response.

It also asked a more specific secondary question in "And where is a good area to live for a family with a baby and a 4 year old?"

Here's what the commenters had to say in response to the post.

Bournemouth Echo: Many people praised Bournemouth as a good area to raise a familyMany people praised Bournemouth as a good area to raise a family (Image: PA)

Would you move to Bournemouth or Poole?

Many of the responses to the initial question were very positive, praising the quality of family life both areas bring, especially with how much there is to do.

One person said: "Moved here 10 years ago from Hove. So so so much better for family life. Cheaper than Hove back then, not sure now, don’t keep an eye on it. But it’s a really easy area to bring up kids.

"Lots of lovely kid friendly activities, close to the New Forest, Purbeck, beaches and water activities for school holiday times. Yes it’s over populated but where isn’t in southern England?" 

Another posted: "The BCP area is totally a great area to raise a family, so much fantastic countryside, forests, beaches, heathland and AONB areas close by that for kids growing up it’s amazing to explore, be closer to nature and to live closer to the more beautiful places the Uk has to offer."

Poole's qualities were praised but another commenter who put: "I’ve grown up in Poole, honestly great place as a young un. Very little crime, decent shops, good schools and great beaches/ harbour, good parks, tower park and a decent pub scene but I’ll admit I’ve Kind of grown out of it now I’m a little older though but would recommend the area for families."

Another person put: "I lived in Bournemouth in the early 00s and would love nothing more than the chance to go back. Beautiful place."

Bournemouth and Poole rent seen as negative factor

Whilst there were plenty of positive comments on the area, there were also many not so complimentary, with the cost of rent being seen as a negative factor in particular.

Bournemouth Echo: The rent in Bournemouth and Poole was seen as a negative in moving to the areaThe rent in Bournemouth and Poole was seen as a negative in moving to the area (Image: NQ)

One person put: "I'm from Bournemouth and to be honest nope cost the of housing is high compared to the local wages but if your remoting working on a London wage then its affordable."

Another said: "If it wasn't for family and my son doing well in his current school, we would be moving up north.

"The cost of renting in Bournemouth is so much higher. While we love the area we're being priced out."

Similar sentiments were expressed by another person who wrote: "Personally no, I (27) was born and raised in Bournemouth and only just managed to escape for good last year. I think the price to live there is extortionate considering the only good thing about Bournemouth is the beach".

Despite the problems listed, one user gave a more balanced view of things, writing: "Bournemouth is not a tiny town, half a million is a lot of people. There are definitely much smaller town[s] with much more exaggerated problems for their size.

"Not to say Bmouth doesn’t have problems but we definitely need to shake the idea that Bournemouth is a small town when it’s practically a midsized city."