A ‘VERY SAD’ number of Dorset Police officers and staff have been suspended following misconduct against women and girls, a Freedom of Information request has revealed.

Between May 2022 and May 2023, 14 misconduct cases which had a factor of ‘violence against women and girls’ (VAWG) were recorded against officers and staff at the force.

A VAWG factor can include domestic abuse, harassment, association of position for sexual purposes (APSP) and inappropriate language and behaviour directed towards colleagues and/or family members.

During the same 12 months, a total of nine officers and staff were suspended following the outcome of these misconduct cases.

Those remaining with the force were either given a written warning, had their rank reduced, were referred to a reflective review process, or had no further action taken.

Deputy chief constable Sam de Reya said: “It is very sad to see [these] levels of violence perpetrated by police against women and girls detailed in this FOI and we are determined to do all we can to build trust and confidence in policing for all women and girls in Dorset.

“There is no place in our force for perpetrators of violence and we encourage all staff to come forward and challenge inappropriate behaviour and wrongdoing.

“We are clear that we have zero tolerance of misogynistic, sexist and sexualised behaviour in our organisation and have developed channels where staff and officers feel they can report issues in a safe, confidential and supportive environment and be confident that their concerns will be quickly and robustly investigated.

“The public can also be assured that if they come to us to report any concerns about the conduct of police officers and staff, they will be taken seriously and the matter will be thoroughly investigated.

“We remain committed to delivering ethical and inclusive policing to meet the highest professional standards and are working to create a culture where we challenge any behaviours that sit outside of our values.”

DCC de Reya also noted Dorset Police has seen a “notable increase” of female officers joining the force.

Between April 1, 2019, and March 31, 2023, the number of female officers in Dorset Police rose from 382 to 472.

Women currently make up 47.9 per cent of the workforce, and four chief officers are female.