A BOURNEMOUTH headteacher is stepping down after 10 years to ‘go back to her roots’ and back into teaching.

Mrs Emma Haworth, who leads Talbot House Preparatory School, will be leaving at the end of term (July 4) but had a surprise sendoff this week.

Around eighty people - parents, pupils and staff - turned out to bid her farewell and well wishes. 

They extended their praises and gifted her with bouquets of flowers.

Vicky Melville, a parent at the school, said Mrs Haworth is ‘selfless’ and wanted the last days of term to be about the children.

Bournemouth Echo: Vicky Melville, Emma Haworth and Mike Haworth.

“She hates being the centre of attention but we're not letting her go without letting her know how much we love her,” said Vicky.

Sophie, Vicky’s daughter, started at the school in Firs Glen Road at the same time as Mrs Haworth and was ‘heartbroken’ that she was leaving.

“When I had really important exams to get into grammar school, she would support each one of us individually,” said Sophie.

“And I remember one time I was really upset about it and she comforted me and gave me a lovely hug just before it, and that really helped me through it.”

Bournemouth Echo: Left to right: Jack, Sophie, Vicky and Oliver Melville

Vicky organised the surprise party which had a turnout of almost 100 people, and each year group gifted Mrs Haworth bouquets of flowers.

Andriy and Viktoriia Kornov moved from Ukraine with their daughter Maria and said they were given so much support and care from the school.

Bournemouth Echo: Andriy, Maria and Viktoriia Kornov

“We’re from Ukraine and she helped her [Maria] to feel secure and safe,” said Andriy.

“Maria was quite sad when she found out she was leaving.

“The school is like a family, as if we are her children and she is our mum.”

Maria added: “When we first came here and I didn’t know much English, Mrs Haworth translated the lunch menu and made sure I liked everything.”

Suran Jita, a parent at Talbot House, said her daughter Mira was nervous on her first day but Mrs Haworth made her feel comfortable.

Bournemouth Echo: Mira (left), Suran (right) and SauravJita (middle).

“Mira was three on her first day and she was so excited but then when she got to the gates and saw all of the other children, she got a bit nervous.

“Mrs Haworth greeted all of the children and when she saw Mira, she just picked her up and cuddled her and she had such a great first day.”

Alessandro Bernardinello, an ex-pupil, said: “She was a role model for me, without her I wouldn’t be who I am today.”

Bournemouth Echo: Alessandro and Franco Bernardinello

Sarah Howe, deputy head and Ruth Cardin, a kindergarten teacher, said they are sad about her departure but excited for her ‘new journey.’

“She has done wonders for this school,” said Ruth.

“She has left a huge hole, but we are going to continue the good work,” said Sarah.

Bournemouth Echo: Emma Haworth, Ruth Cardin and Sarah Howe.

Year five teacher, Fiona Venus, said Mrs Haworth gave her ‘so much confidence’ after returning from a long break from teaching.

Mr Mike Haworth, administrative assistant, will be leaving alongside his wife Mrs Haworth, to spend more time with their family.

“The easy thing to do would be to stay, especially when you're this loved,” said Mrs Haworth.

“But I want to go back to my roots, back to what I really love, which is teaching.”

The school also gifted the couple a £675 voucher so that they can do something as a family. 

“Our family means everything to us and to do something with our girls means the world.”