A NEW advertising screen proposed for a main route in Christchurch would act as a “significant distraction” to motorists, say town councillors.

Christchurch Town Council has tabled an objection against the plans for an eight metre LCD screen at the corner of Hurn Road and Hillside Drive.

The application had been submitted by Mr Ahmed Almady last month but was quickly blighted by objections from residents and motorists.

While the proposed advertising screen would be set back from the road, concerns have been raised about its impact on drivers.

The Christchurch Town Council planning committee met on Tuesday, June 20, to discuss the plans.

Members addressed the road safety concerns, as well as issues raised with the appearance of the proposed screen.

The minutes of the meeting document reads: “It was highlighted that the proposal would act as a significant distraction to motorists due to its proximity to a remarkably busy junction (junction of Hurn Road B3073 and A338).

“Members agreed that the size of the proposed screen was exceptionally large, intrusive and was not in keeping with the surrounding area which was characterized by its verdant and undeveloped nature.

"Members agreed that the proposal would create a disturbing impact on the area which also acted as an important gateway to the town.”

The appearance of the screen had been a subject of complaint among residents’ objections, with one commenting ‘this is not Las Vegas’.

Town councillors at the meeting also stressed that the proposed screen would be situated at the base of St Catherines Hill and within 400 meters of a heathland protection zone and a SSSI.

They said it would cause light pollution and have a “negative impact” on wildlife, including protected species.

It was also noted that a similar application proposed for the exact same location was refused by the BCP Council in December 2022.

With discussions concluded, Christchurch Town Council agreed to raise an objection, and said that if planning permission was to be granted, night-time usage of the digital advertisement should be “strictly restricted”.

A decision is yet to be made on the application.