Tashi Lhunpo Monks have arrived at the Museum of East Dorset to begin creating their sand mandala.

A sand mandala is a representation of a magnificent palace decorated with symbols and images that is used to invite a Buddha to reside in during a specific teaching. Each area of the mandala is drawn to create a 2-dimensional art.

The Tashi Lhunpo monastery is based in Bylakupee, South India near Mysore.

The sands are placed using hollow metal pipes called chagpurs over many days.

David Holmes is a Trustee of the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery. A trust which brings the monks over on cultural tours to share the unique artistic traditions of Tibet.

Once the mandala is created, it is dismantled after the teaching is complete.

The Tibetan monks have visited across Dorset, in locations like Bournemouth Library, Christchurch Priory and Poole Lighthouse theatre.

This year will be the 20th anniversary of the tours.

If you would like to see the spectacular work, the monks will be at the Museum of East Dorset until June 11.

David said: “The monks are very appreciative for all the support the Museum have given to arrange this event. The warmth and respect they are given is truly wonderful and the team at the museum are excellent hosts.

As a Trustee I am eternally grateful to be able to support the monastery and the monks, it is a huge honour to be connected to the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery U.K. Trust for the past 18 years.”