A DORSET nature reserve will have a starring role in BBC wildlife show Springwatch later this month.

RSPB Arne in Purbeck will take centre stage on the show which airs on BBC Two for three weeks between May 29 and June 15.

Presenters Chris Packham and Michaela Strachan will be stationed at the reserve. 

Bournemouth Echo: Arne RSPB Reserve - heath with heather in flower... Chris Gomersall (rspb-images.com)Arne RSPB Reserve - heath with heather in flower... Chris Gomersall (rspb-images.com) (Image: Chris Gomersall (rspb-images.com))

RSPB Arne twice was previously featured on Autumnwatch in 2016 and Winterwatch 2017 but it is the first time the site has been featured on Springwatch. 

Dante Munns, RSPB area manager for Dorset, said: “We’re delighted that audiences will now be able to discover RSPB Arne and its wonderful wildlife from the comfort of their sofas, and at its peak time of year where the air buzzes, flaps, and slithers with new life.

“BBC Springwatch gives us a fantastic opportunity to illustrate where RSPB Arne sits in the wider Dorset landscape. Purbeck is amazing for nature.

“It’s also at the forefront of innovation when it comes to working together with dedicated partners and passionate local communities to protect Dorset’s nature, and help our wildlife thrive now and long into the future.”

Bournemouth Echo: Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus, close up at the Lodge RSPB r... Grahame Madge (rspb-images.com)Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus, close up at the Lodge RSPB r... Grahame Madge (rspb-images.com) (Image: Grahame Madge (rspb-images.com))

RSPB Arne will be home to more than 30 remote cameras each hoping to capture the drama of spring as it unfolds. 

While nest cameras will be prying into the hidden lives of some of this area’s special bird species from Dartford warblers to woodlarks.

Bournemouth Echo: Smooth snake Coronella austriaca, adult coiled up Fabian Harrison (rspb-images.com)Smooth snake Coronella austriaca, adult coiled up Fabian Harrison (rspb-images.com) (Image: Fabian Harrison (rspb-images.com))

Meanwhile, presenter Iolo Williams will be roaming the region to bring viewers the best wildlife stories from the surrounding area including Poole Harbour and Swanage Bay.

Bournemouth Echo:

Mr Munns added: “RSPB Arne nature reserve is at the heart of the UK’s first ever Super National Nature Reserve, Purbeck Heaths.

“Here, the inspirational work of the RSPB and partners has protected and restored nature on a massive scale.

Bournemouth Echo: Sand lizard Lacerta agilis, a male basking Luke Phillips (rspb-images.com)Sand lizard Lacerta agilis, a male basking Luke Phillips (rspb-images.com) (Image: Luke Phillips (rspb-images.com))

“We hope BBC Springwatch will showcase and celebrate these collaborative stories achieving huge wins for Purbeck’s nature, as well as all the wonderful wildlife that calls RSPB Arne home.”

Bournemouth Echo: Ladybird Spider Eresus sandaliatus, adult male on mossy heat...Ian Hughes (rspb-images.com)Ladybird Spider Eresus sandaliatus, adult male on mossy heat...Ian Hughes (rspb-images.com) (Image: Ian Hughes (rspb-images.com))

RSPB Arne is one of the few places in the UK where all six of the UK's native reptiles can be found.

Covering more than 565 hectares of the Arne peninsula, its landscape consists of open heathland and ancient oak woodland.

Due to its rich wildlife and varied habitat, it is protected as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSi), a Special Protection Area (SAP) and a Special Area of Conservation (SAC).