A MASTERPLAN to re-energise the “deteriorating” Harbourside Park is set to be unveiled to the public.

BCP Council has readied a plan to invest in Poole’s Harbourside Park which it says is in “urgent need of upgrading” and is set to showcase its proposals at an exhibition event.

Following a public consultation last autumn, the council will host an information event on Thursday, March 16, over its proposals for the park which encompasses Baiter and Whitecliff Recreation Ground.

The event will take place from 2.30pm to 8pm at St Mary’s Church Centre in Longfleet Road, Poole.

Bournemouth Echo: Harbourside Park.Harbourside Park. (Image: BCP Council)

A council spokesperson said: “Harbourside Park is one of Poole’s most treasured open spaces and a fabulous place for everything from play to relaxation.

“Loved for its proximity to Parkstone Bay, Poole Park and Poole town centre, with beautiful views of the Purbeck Hills it is a place everyone can enjoy.

“Currently shackled by deteriorating infrastructure, buildings in need of renovation and investment and with facilities which are well past their end-of-life stage, Harbourside Park is in urgent need of upgrading to be fit for modern use and to fulfil its potential for years to come.”

For those unable to attend, the plans will be added to the BCP Projects website on Thursday afternoon.

Visit bcpprojects.net/harbourside-park for more information.