A DEVELOPER seeking to build flats at a Bournemouth car park has accused the council’s planning committee of being “not fit for purpose”.

Eddie Fitzsimmons has slammed BCP Council’s delayed decision to approve his scheme for the Southbourne Crossroads car park.

His company Vivir Estates had applied to build four blocks of apartments on the council-owned site, but their application was refused at a planning committee meeting in March last year.

At the time, a number of councillors had concerns around the loss of a public car park.

After launching an appeal against the decision, Eddie has now been granted full planning permission for the apartments.

While he is “happy” and “relieved” that the plans can go ahead, he is adamant they should never have been refused in the first place.

Bournemouth Echo: CGI of the plans to redevelop Southbourne Crossroads car parkCGI of the plans to redevelop Southbourne Crossroads car park (Image: David James Architects and Partners Ltd)

Mr Fitzsimmons said: “The planning committee meeting in March was fiasco and it was embarrassing. That committee are certainly not fit for purpose.

“All they discussed was the issue of loss of parking, they didn’t look at the design or the content. It was pre-determined.”

In a report published as part of the appeal, planning inspector Benjamin Webb agreed it would be “unacceptable" to refuse the scheme based off losing car spaces.

Mr Webb said the Southbourne Crossroads car park sees “very little use” for the “majority of the year” and added that in 2017, Bournemouth Borough Council’s cabinet said it was “surplus to requirement”.

Mr Fitzsimmons said the report is “damming of the council” and highlights of a U-turn made by councillors.

The decision to approve plans for Southbourne Crossroads car park comes despite a number of objections to the scheme, a petition signed by more than 1,500 people and criticism from residents and councillors.

Mr Fitzsimmons argues the plan will only “enhance the area.” He said: “What you’ve got at the moment is a dilapidated, uncared for car park in disrepair.

“What you will end up with is a very very aesthetically pleasing contemporary building which will link the seafront and enhance Southbourne.”