RESIDENTS held an demonstration in objection to the proposed demolition of a house in Bournemouth.

The demolition of the property at 9 Ravine Road, Boscombe, which was granted under ‘permitted development’ by BCP Council, goes against the Boscombe and Pokesdown Neighbourhood Plan, residents and a councillor has claimed.

A planning application to replace the house with two pairs of semi-detached homes was rejected by the local authority's planning committee in November 2022 despite it being recommended for approval by officers.

Resident Robert Wilson said residents were not happy that the neighbourhood plan, which was voted through in 2019 with 94 per cent in favour, is being ignored.

“Within this area, it states that no intensification of housing should occur, that renovation and refurbishment is preferred over demolition, except if there are exceptional circumstances,” Mr Wilson said.

“Everybody thinks that the neighbourhood plan is a form of local empowerment and not to be trampled on. Because once you’ve opened the door on one, you’ve opened the door on them all."

Bournemouth Echo:

The plan states “proposals involving the demolition of existing buildings will not be supported unless there are exceptional circumstances to justify this”.

For each application to this point, residents have responded with a significant number of objections. For the most recent application, there have been 195 comments, which Mr Wilson said showed the residents resolve against the plans.

While the plan for four new dwellings on the site was refused, the developers were able to submit an application within weeks to demolish the property under ‘permitted development', which was granted.

A fresh application for the dwellings was then tabled in January.

A statement submitted on behalf of applicant Southbourne Homes Ltd says “because consent has been granted to demolish the existing house and this will be underway once the weather improves in April time, this removes the sole reason for refusal”, with this being “the existing dwellinghouse is considered to be of local heritage value and therefore its retention should be supported”.

Bournemouth Echo:

Ward councillor for Boscombe East and Pokesdown, George Farquhar, said that this "circumnavigation" was “unjust” and that the neighbourhood plan should be respected.

“The main objection is you cannot demolish properties for development. You can refurbish them, or you can renovate them, but you cannot demolish them,” Cllr Farquhar said.

“That circumnavigation, as a councillor and as a resident, is absolutely outrageous, its fundamentally unjust, and doesn’t serve the resident’s needs.

“[The plan] is sovereign to me, because the residents themselves went to referendum and they voted for it.”

Cllr Farquhar added: “I’ve written to the chair of the planning committee and the interim head of planning to highlight this issue. If the demolition happens, then their voices won’t be heard, that petition won’t be heard and I’ve asked them for immediate action.”

“The chair, Cllr David Kelsey has very kindly replied, to say that he will be speaking to the interim head of planning and to legal to see if anything can be done.”

The Daily Echo contacted Pure Town Planning, agent for Southbourne Homes Ltd, and they declined to comment.