TWO senior and experienced Conservative councillors have confirmed they will not be standing for re-election in May.

Councillors Mike and Nicola Greene said they made the decision last year.

The two members who represent Bournemouth wards will serve in new or altered cabinet roles for the final weeks of the current term, leader Cllr Philip Broadhead has announced.

The announcement comes less than two weeks after former leader Cllr Drew Mellor confirmed he was not seeking re-election.

In a statement, Councillor Mike and Nicola Greene said: “After many years as councillors, we have decided not to seek re-election to BCP in May. We took this decision last summer, but committed to continue in our roles right through to the end of our period of office and look forward to working with Council Leader Phil Broadhead until the elections in May.

“We have both given many years to our council work: Nicola has served in Bournemouth and BCP continuously since 2007, while Mike was first elected in Camden in 2001, and has spent the last twelve on Bournemouth and BCP Councils.

“We would both like to thank the residents who have put their trust in us.

"While we will miss being able to directly serve the community and help the people and the place we know and love, we feel this is the ideal opportunity for us to travel and to just take a bit more time for ourselves.”

Cllr Mike Greene said the transition to BCP Council and being part of “hugely ambitious plans” under Cllr Mellor’s leadership had been recent highlights.

He added: “It is a real shame that some decisions at national level have slowed those ambitious plans down, but I hope that in the future they can be brought back on track for all of our benefit.”

Cllr Nicola Greene said: “Alongside my many years working with school leaders to develop high quality school places, it was a particular privilege to have worked through the autumn and winter of the pandemic with council officers, the public health team and the magnificent effort from the voluntary sector to mobilise the vaccine programme in BCP and sustain the community support, giving hope to thousands of local residents in the darkest of winters.”

Before stepping away from local government, Cllr Nicola Greene has been appointed deputy leader by Cllr Broadhead and Cllr Mike Greene has taken on the finance portfolio, vacated by the resignation of Cllr Mellor.

Bournemouth Echo: Cllr Philip BroadheadCllr Philip Broadhead (Image: BCP Council)

“Apart from a few minor adjustments to titles and roles as a result of these appointments, I will not be making any further changes to cabinet at this time; as we need continuity as we keep delivering for the residents of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole,” Cllr Broadhead.