AN electric vehicle charging station for Pimperne has been approved despite objections from the parish council and some residents.

The parish said the approval could set an unwelcome precedent and would make a mockery of the recently approved neighbourhood plan.

The InstaVolt Ltd application is for eight charge points at Hyde Farm off the A354 Dorchester to Salisbury road.

Access to the site will be shared with the road to the Archway Nursery and Pre School.

There had been more than twenty local objections, including the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty team and the Dorset Campaign to Protect Rural England campaign group.

The charging station, which will not be staffed, would be lit at night and available for use 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, although the lights will only be on when the chargers are in use.

The parish council claim the site should be treated as open countryside and not developed in anyway, pointing out what it claims could be a danger in sharing the existing access road with the nursery and pre school.