AN application for 24 homes on the former ATS Euromaster garage site at New Road, Shaftesbury will be decided by Dorset councillors.

A previous proposal for 18 homes was turned down as an overdevelopment and using inappropriate materials, but was allowed on appeal.

Now councillors are being asked to consider a revised application from Westcoast (Bristol) Ltd which reconfigures the internal spaces within one of the housing blocks to accommodate an additional six homes.

The proposal is to now provide 24 homes with a terrace row of 9 dwellings fronting on to New Road and 15 flats towards the back of the site.

The developers are also proposing a parking area for 19 vehicles between the two buildings, in addition to 16 spaces on the lower ground level of the building to the rear of the site.

Shaftesbury town council has objected to the modified plans claiming the development offers no affordable housing, will add to traffic problems and says that there is no safe crossing point for pedestrians going to and from the town centre.

It is also unhappy about refuse collection arrangements a small amount of garden space, claiming that there could a;so be a significant risk of flooding for the lower land.

Dorset Council's planning case officer says that despite objections the site is considered suitable for housing.

A report to the area planning committee, which meets on Tuesday 24th in Sturminster Newton concludes: "Officers consider that there are no substantial, clear or compelling reasons to refuse the application... There are no adverse impacts that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits when assessed against the policies in the National Planning Policy Framework taken as a whole in this instance. The proposal would represent sustainable development in accordance with Policy 1 of the Local Plan and the NPPF as a whole."