CHRISTCHURCH charity Round Table will be arranging for Santa to visit children in Christchurch this year.

The charity has arranged for Santa to visit a different area of Christchurch each day for four days.

Santa will start his visit to each area at around 6.15pm, taking around two hours to complete each route.

Santa's first stop will be at Burton on Thursday, December 15, he will then visit East Somerford the following day.

On Monday, December 19, he will call at west Somerford before making his final stop at Fairmile on Tuesday, December 20. 

A spokesperson from Christchurch Round Table said: “We've spoken to Santa Claus, and he can't wait to visit the children of Christchurch with Round Table this year.

“Unfortunately we can't bring Santa along the North Mudeford route this year. We have taken advice, and it's just not safe enough for us to turn Santa's float safely on this route, especially in the dark with very young children on the street.

“We're sorry to disappoint Santa's Mudeford fans, and we hope that you can make it to one of our alternative nights instead.

“Bad weather has forced us to change our plans at short notice in previous years, so please keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages for the most up-to-date information.”

The club has been around for more than 65 years and is open to men aged 18-45. The group get together every two weeks for a meeting or a social event. They also donate a few hours of their time every couple of months to raise money for local causes.