It was double delight at the Bournemouth Pavilion on Sunday as Squeeze arrived on their Food For Thought tour and were kind enough to bring the wonderful Dr John Cooper Clarke with them.

Both acts are veterans of the late seventies post punk movement and all of the positive lessons they have learnt in the years since were evident in both of their performances.

Dr Clarke cut a familiar figure with his slim frame clad in black trousers and grey jacket as he took to the stage at the start of the night.

I have long been a fan of his poetry delivered in that familiar Manchester drawl and it seemed that was echoed by the majority of the crowd as the venue was packed early which is unusual for a support act but no surprise in this case.

Bournemouth Echo: Dr John Cooper Clarke. Picture Dr John Cooper Clarke. Picture (Image:

As witty and observant as ever, Dr Clarke delighted the crowd with Hire Car, Get Back on Drugs (there is a bit more to that title but not for publication here) and of course Evidently Chickentown. One of the best starts to a gig I have seen for a long time.

Squeeze had some work to do to match the opening half hour but when you can start your performance with Take Me I’m Yours, Hourglass and the cracking Up the Junction, you are always on to a winner.

Bournemouth Echo: Squeeze at the Pavilion. Picture by Squeeze at the Pavilion. Picture by (Image:

Add to that Labelled With Love, Pulling Mussels From a Shell, Is That Love, Annie Get Your Gun, Cool For Cats and a plethora of other superb songs and the night was a fantastic example of poetry and song writing at its very best.

Much like Clarkes writing the words and music of Chris Difford and Glen Tilbrook have the power to conjure up images that become stories and stay with you for years.

Goodbye Girl provided my personal highlight, or maybe it was Another Nail in My Heart or encore closer Black Coffee in Bed there were so many to choose from.

This was two hours that should be held up as a shining example of everything that can be great about live entertainment. An absolute joy to behold.