Emergency services have warned that parking dangerously or inconsiderately could kill or cost a life. 

The services are trying to make people aware of the importance of safe driving and road use as the weather changes and driving conditions worsen. 

Many shared that bad parking by the general public has lost them vital time when they are on their way to an emergency.

Now they are asking people to be 'Road Safety Heroes' by considering the needs of the blue light services when they park. 

Asking drivers to remember that large vehicles need extra space to get through and reach an emergency, especially in congested narrow streets.

Bournemouth Echo: PAPA (Image: PA)

Discussing the issue, Station Commander Sara Hall at Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service Road Safety lead said: "We recognise that some of our streets weren’t designed for the number of cars we now have, but don’t forget that a fire engine is around one and a half normal car widths.

“We need to ask ourselves – ‘if I park here, could a vehicle the size of mine get through?’ Because if not, then a fire appliance almost certainly can’t. Every second counts when someone needs the help of the fire service.

“Bad or careless parking can delay fire engines and emergency vehicles from reaching serious incidents in your area – this could endanger your life and the lives of your families, friends and neighbours.

“The positioning of parked cars could make the difference between the emergency services being able to save a life.”

How to park safely

  • Park close to the curb
  • Park straight with wheels straight 
  • Fold in wing mirrors
  • In narrow streets only park on one side of the road
  • Obey the Highway Code and road markings 
  • Do not park too close to corners or traffic calming measures 
  • Leave extra room at tight junctions 
  • Ask yourself: Could I get through this Space? If not, a fire engine probably couldn't either.