FOOTBALL fans have swamped pubs across the conurbation to watch England’s World Cup opener.

Boozers were packed with fans on Monday afternoon as England secured its 6-2 win over Iran.

The town’s ultimate sports bar - The George Tapps - became a hotspot for many football fans, with beers flowing, and ‘It’s Coming Home’ chants roaring through the premises.

Louie Patterson, who was watching the game with friends, said: “I’m buzzing. It’s going to be a great World Cup. I can’t wait for it.

Read more: Qatar World Cup: Where to watch in Bournemouth town centre

“The beers are cheap, my mates are here and it’s a cracking atmosphere.

“We’re going to go all the way, or to the finals at least.”

Bournemouth Echo: Fans in The George TappsFans in The George Tapps (Image: NQ)

But while football fans were clearly celebrating on Monday, the controversy that surrounds the tournament has not been forgotten.

James, who was also watching at The George Tapps, said: “It’s interesting because me and my girlfriend were going around yesterday to get our tops and our flags sorted, and you’d never know the World Cup is on.

“I think the politics of it all has overshadowed the football element, but I’ve been buzzing for this. I love football. It’s the biggest sport in the world.

“I think we’ll do well. You’re not a diehard England fan if you don’t think we’ll go all the way.”

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Others weren’t as confident that England would have a successful world cup.

Bournemouth Echo: Fans in The George TappsFans in The George Tapps (Image: NQ)

One punter said: “In all honestly, I don’t think we’re going to win. I think it’ll probably be Brazil. I think we’ll get to the quarter finals or semi-finals. I think we’ll do well to get that.

“I’ve been looking forward to it, but obviously there’s loads of controversy surrounding it, so I haven’t looked as forward to this one as much I’ve been looking forward to the Euros.

“I know loads of people that aren’t looking as forward to this one as much as previous ones.”