A BID for a licence to supply alcohol on a pleasure boat moored in a river in Christchurch has attracted a spate of objections alongside scores of support.

Lewis Malone has applied for a premises licence for MV Margarita, a refurbished fishing boat which is normal moored at Elgin’s Boatyard.

Permission is sought to supply alcohol on and off the vessel between 10am and 11pm.

A report ahead of the BCP Council licensing sub-committee on November 24 said the supply of alcohol would be ancillary to the main use as a pleasure boat for fishing trips, charters and for the benefit of customers, the owner’s bona fide friends or guests and people boarding the vessel as part of charity events.

Read more: Premier store in Westover Road refused alcohol licence

“The off sales of alcohol shall only be permitted on a maximum of 12 days in each calendar year when the vessel is moored on Christchurch River and when taking part in charity events,” the report by licensing officer Tania Jardim said.

“The police and licensing authority shall be notified in writing of occasions when the supply of alcohol is to take place off the premises.”

The application has received 18 objections under the licensing objectives of crime and disorder, public safety, prevention of public nuisance and protection of children from harm.

One objector said the proposal would create further public nuisance in the form of noise and antisocial behaviour.

Another said: “The licence quotes a maximum of 12 days per calendar year when charitable or other fundraising events are taking place in close proximity to where the vessel is moored. This has potential to create a public nuisance on the river in terms of congestion caused by other boats pulling alongside and causing a blockage on the river.”

The officer’s report said 100 representations in support had been received.

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One resident backing the application said: “The owner and operator of this vessel is a competent seaman, who is unselfishly minded and a great member of our community.

“The addition of this business will I believe be a great asset to the community and give some well needed cultural diversity to the Christchurch entertainment scene.”

Another supporter described it as a “unique opportunity to add something new”.

Members of the licensing sub-committee will hear representations at the meeting before deciding whether to approve the application. The decision will not be known until five working days after the meeting.