SOARING energy costs have forced the closure of saunas and steam rooms at New Forest leisure centres.

Freedom Leisure, which runs centres on behalf of the district council, said the facilities would be shut over the winter.

The not-for-profit trust said its energy costs were rising at an "alarming rate".

It added that "difficult decisions" were having to be made and warned it may have to consider other ways of cutting costs.

The closure of saunas and steam rooms at Applemore, Totton, New Milton and Lymington leisure centres will be reviewed in the spring.

In a statement Freedom Leisure said: "These facilities use a significant amount of energy and closing them even for a short period of time will go a long way towards reducing our overall energy consumption."

The not-for-profit organisation runs more than 100 leisure centres across the country.

It is reported to have closed swimming pools in Milton Keynes and Rye, East Sussex, as well as implementing a "small reduction" in the water temperature of its swimming pools.

Last month the trust said its annual energy bill had risen from £8m to £20m.