POLICE removed two taxis from the road yesterday in a crackdown in unsafe taxis. 

Dorset Traffic Cops joined Bournemouth Police and BCP Council licensing officers who enforce laws for licensed and unlicensed taxis. 

The traffic cops say they stopped numerous vehicles, with two being “instantly removed” from service due to alleged defects or document issues. 

The enforcement is part of a wider crackdown to remove unsafe taxis from Bournemouth and Dorset’s roads – codenamed Operation Carriage. 


In March, Dorset Police warned the public about the dangers of getting in unlicensed taxis. 

Dorset Police said it was aware of new groups on social media platforms in Bournemouth and Poole where drivers are operating unofficial taxi or lift services. 

Detective Constable Christian Bryant, of Bournemouth CID, said: “Unlicensed drivers will not have undergone background checks, are unlikely to be insured to carry passengers in their vehicles which could be in a dangerous condition, and may be targeting lone and vulnerable men and women. 

Bournemouth Echo: A taxi rank in Bournemouth town centre.A taxi rank in Bournemouth town centre. (Image: Daily Echo)

“We would urge the public not to use the services of people offering lifts on unofficial social media groups and instead book a lift with a licensed and reputable taxi company. 

“There is an inherent risk in accepting lifts from strangers and most people wouldn’t dream of doing so, but for women travelling alone, getting into an unlicensed cab is just as risky as getting into the car of a complete stranger.”