PLANS have been tabled to build a new youth and family hub on a Green Belt site.

New Milton Town Council has submitted its proposals for the development on land south of Milton Barn in Gore Road.

It is hoped that the development will be the ‘main base’ youth and family facility in the area with the Ashley Youth Hub operating as a satellite.

The Phoenix Centre, which closed in 2015, was located near the proposed site. Now it is home to the Eaglewood School.

The town council said the proposal will be well placed to serve newly settled families in an area of the district which is set to set a significant increase in homes in the coming years.

A design and access statement submitted on behalf of the town council by Salt & Heather consultants said: “It would be hugely beneficial to have a social hub within this new community.

“Having the ‘open countryside’ amenity of Fawcetts Field adjacent will allow outdoor team games, barbecues, fetes and other social events to be easily accommodated, which will increase the sense of community locally.”

The hub would provide WiFi access for visitors, with the first floor area possibly being able to accommodate adult classes and an office space.

A kitchen garden is included in the plans to give children the opportunity to learn about growing and preparing fresh food.

The concept of the facility is supported by the approved New Milton Neighbourhood Plan, the statement said.

Salt & Heather said the area is set to go through “holistic change” due to housing demands.

“The existing community requires a youth and family provision as this need has not been serviced since the closure of the Phoenix Centre in 2015.

“With many more homes proposed in the direct locality it is imperative that the youth are provided with a facility such as this in order to nourish their health and wellbeing and to help fortify the community with a building used to support many facets of family life.”

The outline application for access, layout, landscape and scale is currently being assessed by New Forest District Council’s planning department.