IT’S been a week of thunder, lightning, rain, sunshine and windy weather.

So far November has seen just about every type of weather possible (apart from snow).

Time spent outdoors will become less and less as conditions get chillier and more unpredictable.

If you’re looking to get out at some point this weekend and want to dodge the showers, here’s what it will be like in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole over the next two days according to the Met Office.

Saturday, November 5

7am – 8C, 80 per cent chance of heavy rain

8am – 9C, 60 per cent chance of light rain

9am – 11C, 60 per cent chance of light rain

10am – 12C, 60 per cent chance of light rain

11am – 13C, 60 per cent chance of light rain

12pm – 13C, 50 per cent chance of light rain

1pm – 13C, 50 per cent chance of light rain

2pm - 14C, 50 per cent chance of light rain

3pm - 14C, 50 per cent chance of light rain

4pm - 14C, 60 per cent chance of light rain

5pm - 14C, 60 per cent chance of light rain

6pm - 14C, 60 per cent chance of light rain

7pm - 14C, 80 per cent chance of heavy rain

8pm - 14C, 50 per cent chance of light rain

9pm - 14C, 80 per cent chance of heavy rain

10pm - 13C, 80 per cent chance of heavy rain

11pm - 13C, 80 per cent chance of heavy rain

Sunday, November 6

6am – 12C, 10 per cent chance of rain

9am – 13C, 40 per cent chance of light rain

12pm – 13C, 70 per cent chance of heavy rain

3pm – 14C, 40 per cent chance of light rain

6pm – 12 C, 10 per cent chance of rain

9pm – 11C, 10 per cent chance of rain