IT IS interesting to note the near 2,500 noise disturbance complaints to BCP the past year with parties and loud music topping the list, along with domestic arguments, and barking dogs.

Truth is there are more and more of us stacked into more and more packed urban areas.

And along with this we have had over many decades the advent of double base extra volume super ghetto blasters and so on. Music players with speakers that can shake whole houses. We all love music and with a party and drinks it all takes off. All too often a matter of bad luck on neighbours.

And then we have the public explosion displays every few months. It used to be one evening and one only – November 5th. But that is all long gone now.

BCP the lead mass offender with multiple potassium and sulphur explosion displays through the summer. Ten in the late evening for maximum civil disturbance.

In this case bad luck on the local population, let alone terrified dogs, cats, and farm livestock. Along with a mass of air pollution.

And for mega noise disturbance nothing of course competes with the 105dB jets BCP flies in each summer for four days with thunderous noise disturbance, and again massive air pollution.

In this case bad luck on large sectors of the population who treasure peace and quiet, let alone those who are downright terrified of the roar of war planes.

Many reports of children with their hands over their ears scared stiff.

One council set up to take in public complaints of ‘noise disturbance’ itself the biggest industrial scale noise disturbance offender in the county.

But there we go – granite council set in its ways will never change.

Bournemouth central will be under water before anyone in civic centre gets it – we have to change our ways.

Noise pollution, air pollution, all pollution.

Change policies now.

Not in some mythic future.


Jubilee Road, Poole