Plans to build two new padel tennis courts with a dome cover in Poole have been approved – despite concerns from neighbours over potential noise.

The proposal for East Dorset Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in Salterns Road have been given the go-ahead by BCP Council.

The scheme includes work to build the courts, as well as resurfacing three existing grass courts with an acrylic surface.

Bournemouth Echo: Padel tennisPadel tennis (Image: Pixabay)

The application attracted 18 letters of objection, raising issues with a noise survey, concerns over the dome structure in extreme weather as well as an increase in noise and impact on property value.

One objector said a formal complaint would be made as the council had not informed them about the application.

“We only found out about this application earlier this evening by someone putting a note through our door.

“All the noise study results are predicted and are not guaranteed.

Read more: Padel courts could replace two tennis courts in Bournemouth

“No noise readings have been taken in our property or garden. We note that the noise readings taken for comparison to the padel readings were taken during a competitive grass court doubles match somewhere else, not at the EDLTC, as it is not possible to situate measurement positions 5m behind the baselines of the courts without being the other side of a chain link fence or on our property and very few competitive grass court doubles matches take place.

“You surely cannot use noise readings from another location to justify your proposals.”

An objection from the Society of Poole said: “I am instructed to object to this proposal since it generates increased noise levels impacting the surrounding areas and probably for longer periods than those currently experienced from lawn tennis.

“It is understood that the assessment of noise disturbance at various times is problematic and, since no relevant guarantees appear to be forthcoming for the neighbourhood, it seems sound to accept that this exciting proposal is unsuitable for the site under consideration, since the public interest is unlikely to be served.”

Read more: Objections to West Hants plans for padel courts

A decision report, granting permission with conditions, recognised the dome would have a ‘relatively large visual presence’ but said there were large separation distances between the domes and Salterns Road.

Trees and hedging would minimise views from a neighbouring school, the report added, although they would be ‘readily visible from Worthington Crescent’.

But planning officers said they did not consider the domes to be out of keeping with the area as they were at an established tennis club and this was an ‘acceptable impact’.

Over concerns about noise, the report said the levels of noise were considered acceptable, with a condition the courts were not used past 8.30pm.

The report also referenced the ‘lack’ of notification.

“No letters were sent to neighbours sharing a boundary and instead site notices were erected. This is in line with BCP Council’s policy to consult with the public by means of site notice where site boundary neighbours’ number ten or more.”