News that a much-loved fireworks display in Christchurch has been cancelled, has left thousands of people disappointed.

For years families and fireworks fans flocked to the popular event at Stanpit Recreation Ground for the annual Christchurch Rotary Bonfire and Fireworks.

The event has been part of the town's celebrations for more than 40 years but was cancelled earlier this month for the fourth year in a row.

When was it meant to take place?

The popular event was due to take place on Saturday, November 5 at Stanpit Recreation Ground.

In the past, the event has included a Guy Fawkes competition, a huge community bonfire, food and drink stalls, music and of course an impressive fireworks display.

Read more: Bonfire Night: firework displays across Dorset in 2022

What reason has been given?

Extensive tests by the council have revealed unsafe gas levels at the former landfill site.

BCP Council said the cancellation was a “precautionary measure” and that they would work with the Rotary Club to “explore options” of alternative sites for the display.

Bournemouth Echo:

What did BCP Council say?

“Following concerns raised through the Safety Advisory Group, we have carried out a series of ground investigation works to assess the status of the landfill and test for levels of gas.

“Unfortunately, the results are showing fluctuating gas levels and although this is unlikely to pose a risk to public safety during normal use of the recreation ground, there is potential for enclosed tents, marquees, and wood pilings to prevent gas coming up from the ground from safely dissipating into the air.

Read more: 

"Large bonfires and fireworks displays would only add to the potential risks.

“Therefore, as a precautionary measure, we are unable to permit the seasonal Bonfire Night and Fireworks display organised by the Christchurch Rotary Club to take place this year at this location.

“Public safety is our main priority, and we will work with the Rotary Club to explore options for the potential use of alternative sites.’’

Why was it cancelled in previous years?

The need for ground investigations work had been flagged last year, with the 2021 Christchurch Rotary Bonfire and Fireworks event cancelled whilst this was organised.

The 2020 display had also been cancelled due to the Covid pandemic, and the year before that because of adverse weather.

Bournemouth Echo: Stanpit Recreation GroundStanpit Recreation Ground

Why has drilling taken place?

Earlier this year we reported that boreholes ten metres deep were going to be drilled into the ground at Stanpit Recreation Ground.

The work was being carried out as part of an investigation as the beauty spot was once a landfill tip before it was capped and seeded in the last century.

At the time, Cllr Mark Anderson said: “As part of our responsibilities as the landowner, we are required to carry out investigation works on a regular basis to monitor the landfill and check for any changes over time, to ensure that the recreation area can continue to be used as normal and safely in the future.

“These works pose no risk to the public. We would kindly ask all visitors to follow signage and barriers to keep clear whilst these works are taking place.”

What happened to the landfill site?

The recreation ground historically was built on top of reclaimed landfill in 1981.