A BRAVE couple who attempted to deter two teenagers trying to break into a Bournemouth property ended up being victims of a violent knife attack.

The man and woman saw Justin Brosnan and Joey Lee Croxall in the Holdenhurst Road area of Springbourne trying to use a door which had been left outside to smash their way into a home.

After telling them they “can’t be doing that”, the victims decided to continue on their walk believing they had made best efforts to intervene.

However, they realised the defendants were following them, Bournemouth Crown Court heard.

Brosnan, who turned 18 on the day of the sentencing hearing, produced a kitchen knife from his waistband and started to chase after the couple.

Prosecuting, Tom Evans said the victims tried to run away, but they were in their slippers and failed to get away.

Bournemouth Echo: A police cordon following the attack. Picture: Lauren JoyA police cordon following the attack. Picture: Lauren Joy (Image: Lauren Joy/ Newsquest)

Brosnan proceeded to stab at the couple repeatedly, with the man eventually suffering seven wounds and the woman suffering four wounds. Fortunately their injuries could be treated in hospital and they were discharged the same day.

Mr Evans said in a “heroic act” the man had put himself between Brosnan and his partner during the attack, but the couple ended up being trapped on the ground between two cars.

Croxall, aged 18, did not inflict any physical violence but he was egging on his co-defendant.

Brosnan eventually returned the knife to his waistband and the pair of offenders ran off from the scene.

Mr Evans said: “One witness was sure that having seen the incident or part of it, that she had witnessed the killing of somebody.”

She took her phone out and took a picture of the defendants before they left the scene, Mr Evans said.

Armed police responded to the incident, which took place at lunchtime on April 2, and the teenagers were arrested.

Bournemouth Echo: Armed police in Holdenhurst Road. Picture: Lauren JoyArmed police in Holdenhurst Road. Picture: Lauren Joy (Image: Lauren Joy/ Newsquest)

In interview, Brosnan claimed he had been in his house all day. Officers found him to be in possession of 51.56 grams of cannabis.

Brosnan, of Methuen Close, Bournemouth, pleaded guilty to two counts of unlawful wounding with intent and possession of cannabis.

Croxall, of Westover Road, Bournemouth, pleaded guilty to affray, as well as a charge of burglary in relation to a separate offence committed with a youth at a student accommodation block Southampton in February.

Richard Martin, representing Brosnan, said his client had come out of a “chaotic” period in which he was heavily dependent on alcohol and prescription and street drugs.

Mr Martin said Brosnan had expressed remorse through his letter to the court, which was described as “boldly worded”, and his guilty pleas.

Addressing the judge, Mr Martin said: “He is a young man who I hope, he hopes and your honour hopes is at a turning point.”

Malcolm Gibney, representing Croxall, said his client did not know Brosnan had a knife in his possession went they were out that day.

Mr Gibney said Croxall had been using his time remanded in custody wisely.

He said at the time of the offences he was living in hostel likely around people who are not a good influence.

The barrister submitted it was a case in which Croxall’s sentence could be suspended, but the judge took a different view.

Judge Stephen Climie jailed Brosnan for three-and-a-half years and Croxall for 18 months.

“I am quite satisfied that you were both heavily under the influence of drink, drugs or a cocktail of the two,” the judge said.

Bournemouth Echo:

Judge Climie said the victims were law abiding members of the public who tried to intervene when they saw the defendants up to no good.

“The public spirt of that approach was met with significant violence, particularly physically from you Brosnan to both,” said Judge Climie.

“You (Brosnan) were armed with a weapon and stabbed them in the course of the following few minutes.

“Croxall, you stood not idly by, but in a position where you were actively encouraging that violence. You did not physically attack either individual.”

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