A PETITION calling for BCP Council leader Drew Mellor and deputy leader Phil Broadhead to step down will be debated at the next council meeting.

The council has confirmed that the petition which surpassed the 2,000 signatures needed to be taken to full council, will be debated on November 8.

Resident Ian Lawrence started the petition to illustrate how many people have no confidence in the BCP Council leadership.

He cited a number of reasons for this including: ‘Council wrongdoings, lack of openness and transparency, wasteful spending and going against voters wishes'.

Mr Lawrence said: “I am delighted to report that BCP's Monitoring Officer has approved our petition. We are grateful to the Echo in helping give voice to residents' concerns.

“We are all fed up with a secretive council leadership that puts extravagant vanity high rise projects and "dodgy deals" like pawning beach huts "benefiting consultancy and accountancy firms" ahead of basic and Children's services.

“A big thanks for everyone's support, especially the over 2,200 petitioners who enabled us to trigger a Council debate on November 8 on our "Public Vote of No Confidence on BCP Council Leader and Deputy". There is still time to sign the petition and register your disapproval on https://chng.it/dkm4BGmn

“I am looking forward to the Council debate, we have six weeks to prepare.”

A BCP Council spokesperson said: “Subject to any further amendments which may disqualify the petition, and the formal receipt of the petition by the deadline date, it will be included in the next Council meeting scheduled for November 8.”

The petition currently has 2,392 signatures.

It says: “Every week brings yet another scandal reported in the press making BCP Council a national laughing stock because of its lack of transparency or accountability. Even this government now labels our Council "dodgy".

“We Council Tax payers have lost all confidence in BCP Council's leader and deputy and we call on them to resign now. If you want them out, join over 2,260 others by signing and sharing - https://chng.it/dkm4BGmn”