A BOURNEMOUTH abortion clinic will be the fifth in the country to have a PSPO in place.

Today the BPAS abortion clinic in Bournemouth will become the fifth clinic to have a PSPO in the country, along with clinics in Ealing, Twickenham, Manchester and Birmingham.

BCP Council portfolio holder for community safety, councillor Bobbie Dove, made the decision to put a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in place from this Thursday, October 13, around the British Pregnancy Advice Service clinic in Ophir Road, Bournemouth.

Councillor Millie Earl, deputy leader of the BCP Lib Dem Group said: "This is truly historic with only a handful of other local authorities addressing the issue of harassment at abortion clinics head on.

"Thousands of local people signed the Sister Supporter petition and the public consultation only confirmed support for the use of Public Spaces Protection Order legislation in protecting women accessing legal health care.

"Tomorrow, though, many more women will be subject to harassment outside clinics up and down the country. It's time for the government to prohibit this damaging behaviour from anti-abortion groups and introduce a national ban on anti-abortion activity outside clinics."

"I'm thrilled that women in Bournemouth will be safe but this will become a post-code lottery unless there is action from our politicians."

The PSPO will come into effect in the area directly surrounding the clinic.

It will be in operation Monday to Friday, between the hours of 7am to 7pm, to cover the opening times of the clinic.

Activities prohibited with the PSPO area include: Protesting abortion services, handing out leaflets, intimidating visitors to the clinic or its staff, photographing or recording the clinic’s users and holding vigils.

Anyone failing to comply could incur a fixed penalty notice of £100 or be liable for conviction at a Magistrates Court.

Campaign group Sister Supporter say the Bournemouth abortion clinic is one of the most targeted clinics in the country by anti-abortion groups.

It said it is ‘beyond elated’ following the announcement that a PSPO will be introduced in the area and will continue to campaign for nationwide legislation providing buffer zones around all abortion clinics.

Ongoing concerns have been reported to the BCP Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) Team by the clinic and its clients about concerns relating to the presence and activities of protesters in the immediate area of the clinic, reporting alarm and distress caused by this activity.

Yesterday, three anti-abortion protesters were seen sitting outside the clinic praying.

When approached, they declined to comment about the introduction of the PSPO.