Staff at a Bournemouth cafe struggling to pay their energy bill have resorted to switching their lights off during quiet periods. 

After opening in September last year, N&C Cafe in Westbourne is now becoming "increasingly concerned" as their energy bills have "tripled" in price. 

The family-run business has made the decision to turn off the lights in their cafes during quiet periods. 

Rui Lunes, who runs the business with his wife has described the energy bill hike as a "total nightmare" for small businesses.

Rui said: "We are really struggling at the moment, it hasn't been easy.

"The business has also dropped a little bit and now which isn't good, alongside the increasing cost of energy bills is a total nightmare. 

READ MORE: Twelve Eatery in Bournemouth to close two days a week as costs rise

Bournemouth Echo: N&C cafe Westbourne N&C cafe Westbourne (Image: Rui Lunes)

"So recently we have started to switch the lights out in the cafe when it gets quieter.

"It isn't ideal but it seems a simple thing to do to try and help cut back on costs."

The hike in energy prices has seen some businesses currently spending more on gas and electricity than they are on rent.

Rui is struggling to keep his business afloat in these "very stressful" times.  

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Rui added: "Our bills have increased so much, they have tripled in price, and we are trying to work hard to keep going. 

"Hopefully the business will start to pick up soon and we will see more customers. 

"We are worried about the financial future, but I really hope we can carry on. 

"We have also had to change a lot of our habits at home too, we are now very conscious of what we are using, its a very stressful time for us."