Police were called to a crash in a pub car park in Poole on Wednesday.

Officers from Dorset No Excuse team posted an update on their page describing the incident.

A spokesperson said they were responding to a crash in the car park of the pub.

"The driver had left the scene and we were informed they had been drinking all afternoon.

"CCTV showed the driver in the pub and exiting the car after the collision", they added.

Officers arranged recovery and the vehicle was being loaded on to the recovery truck when a second recovery truck arrived with the person captured on CCTV in the passenger seat.

"We had a chat and they subsequently failed a breath test. We took the driver to hospital as he was injured and obtained a blood sample for analysis."

The team intend to provide an update when the sample is back.

Anyone with any concerns about an impaired driver can contact police via the website or if they are about to drive or are driving, call 999.

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